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Registration of Electronic Pharmacies to be commenced by Pharmacy Council

The Pharmacy Council is pleased to announce to all stakeholders that the Council will soon be deploying the National Electronic Pharmacy Platform (NEPP). Registration of Electronic Pharmacies will therefore commence on Monday 13th June 2022. This online registration will permit only existing retail pharmacies to operate online pharmacies in accordance with the Electronic Pharmacy Policy.

Some important things to note about the application process:

  1. Only existing retail pharmacies in good standing can apply to be ePharmacy service providers.
  2. The registration number(s) of the responsible pharmacist(s) must be provided as part of the application.
    NB. This may be different from the superintendent pharmacist for the existing brick and mortar pharmacy.
  3. Instructions and other requirements for the online registration process including the link to the registration portal and fees payment methods will be provided prior to the scheduled date.
  4. Registration fees per section 2.4 of the electronic pharmacy policy is as follows;
    -Processing fee – 500
    -Annual provider fee – 200
  5. Annual subscription fee of 300 shall be paid to the platform manager when an applicant is successfully integrated into the NEPP.

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