Registration of Electronic Pharmacies
The Pharmacy Council is pleased to announce the commencement of the registration of Electronic Pharmacies in Ghana. This online registration will permit only existing retail pharmacies to operate electronic pharmacies in accordance with the Electronic Pharmacy Policy of the Pharmacy Council.
Steps to register your Electronic Pharmacy
To register your ePharmacy please follow these steps:
- Go to https://forms.pcghana.org/#/epharmacyapplication in any web browser
- Enter the license number of your existing retail pharmacy.
- Fill out the form appropriately and submit online. You will be required to provide the registration number(s) of the responsible pharmacist(s) NB. This may be different from the superintendent pharmacist for the brick and mortar pharmacy.
- You are required to agree to all the terms and conditions stated in the form before you submit.
- You will receive an email confirming that the form was successfully submitted and is pending review by your responsible pharmacist.
- The responsible pharmacist will be required to log in to the Pharmacists’ Portal and confirm the registration form submitted. Until this is done your registration will not be processed.
- After successful review by your pharmacist, you will receive an email from the Pharmacy Council asking you to make payment. Kindly make a payment of 500 Ghana Cedis at any branch of Fidelity Bank and send a snapshot of the payment slip/invoice by email to headoffice@pcghana.org.
- The Bank details are as follows:
- Bank: Fidelity Bank
- Account Name: Pharmacy Council Collection Account
- Account Number: 1300617537918
- Branch: Kwame Nkrumah Avenue
- Once your payment is processed your registration will be forwarded to the National Electronic Pharmacy Platform Manager (Rx Health Info System) for onboarding onto the platform. The platform managers will communicate any necessary instructions including payment of annual subscription fees